Director user experience product design

Build your dream job today. Wake up to it tomorrow.

Make Your Job (MYJ) is a social game site where Student Entrepreneurs create and share business ideas and compete for prizes. Student Entrepreneurs can register and log in using Facebook Single Sign-on or manually. Sign up TODAY and receive $1,000 NFTE Bucks just for doing so.

Student Entrepreneurs answer questions and perform tasks (Activities) about a unique business idea. Graphical Tiles are created depicting key aspects of their business. Each Activity has a cost or a revenue of NFTE Bucks (MYJ’s virtual currency) associated with it. (See “What are NFTE Bucks?” below.) Action, activity and progress among registered users earns NFTE Bucks. Student Entrepreneurs can share Tiles and Projects with the Community for feedback and support. Only registered users of MYJ can comment on Tiles and Projects, and earn NFTE Bucks for doing so!

Student Entrepreneurs who complete their MYJ Project compete for prizes and are featured on a leaderboard which lists overall status within each category.
